
Drum Up A Band

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Literature Text

Sometimes, we find out who our true friends are in life. And sometimes, we have our first meeting in a not-so common place. Take the time where a certain rockin’ cook and a loud girl met up with Boone, their soon to be drummer.
Quant and Sophie met during a reality show over the summer called AlphaKidz 2. From there, the two became really good friends. But that’s a story for another day. And currently, Sophie was putting up something on the wall, advertising something for them.

“Sophie? Isn’t that bribing?” Quant asked, looking a bit unsure. “I know Xylia’s cooking has improved a lot, but still…”

“Quant, trust me! It’ll work!” Sophie replied, grinning. “Besides, nobody can resist the urge to grab some home-baked cookies! Even drummers!”

“I still think it’s bribing…” Quant said.

“Now, then…” Sophie replied, taking out what appeared to be a can of spray paint.

“What’s the paint for?” Quant asked.

“I’m gonna spray-paint a butt on the side of the school!” Sophie shouted out loud. “All the passer-bys will see it, all the butt graders will grade it an A-Plus! It’ll be AWESOME! YEEEAAAHHH!!!”

“Butt grader? Is that a thing?” Quant asked.

“Now, you keep a look-out!” Sophie said, smiling. “We don’t need The Butt to ruin our fun!”

“Um, okay… But we ARE missing lunch.” Quant replied, as she started to keep a lookout.

“Oh, RELAX; it was tomato meatloaf day.” Sophie said, grinning.
Quant kept a lookout for any suspicious people. And just like magic, she did spot someone… A certain authority figure in the school EVERYONE knows FAR too well.

“Crap, it’s Miss Buute!” Quant said to herself. “She’s the strictest teacher around this corner of the Universe! I gotta get back to Sophie!”
Back where Sophie was, she was doing the finishing touches on the butt pic on the wall.

“Add in the tattoo, and done!” Sophie said, as she looked at her handiwork. “I’ve done a really good job, if I gotta say so.”

Quant then ran up to Sophie.

“Sophie, cheese it! Buute is coming!”

“You mean, the BUTT?” Sophie asked, tapping her butt a little. “Oh, relax! What can she do? Nothing, if we run for it.”

The two started to run, but…

“Stop right there!”

Those words sent a chill towards Quant and Sophie, as they were frozen on the spot… They were busted by a rather old lady, with an extreme air of authority. It was Miss Butte, nicknamed The Butt to nearly ALL of the students.

“Well, well… Is it isn’t Miss Footsies and Miss Songbird…” Butte said, staring deep into Quant and Sophie’s souls.  “The school’s token duo of troublemakers…”

“Um, Hi Miss Butt, I mean Butte, I mean…” Sophie nervously said.

“Sophie…” Quant replied in a deadpan tone.

“Let’s see what trouble you’re in… defacing the school, vandalism, skipping lunch, naughty language…” Butte said, looking at a list of infractions.

“Isn’t defacing and vandalism the same thing?” Sophie asked.

“You’re just like your younger sister, Quant… A troublemaker!” Butte replied, ignoring Sophie.

“Hey! I was recently adopted by her family a few months ago!” Quant said. “We aren’t even related in blood!”

“Enough!” Butte yelled out loud, sending shivers down Quant and Sophie’s spines, and giving the two slips of paper. “That’ll be Detention after school for the both of you! Miss Songbird for defacing the school, and for Miss Footsies for being involved! And don’t let me catch you skipping out! We clear?”

“Crystal!” Quant and Sophie replied in unison, and saluting, as Butte took her leave.

“Wow, we got Detention, and she insulted Xylia?” Sophie asked. “…Talk about evil.”

“You took the words out of my mouth.” Quant replied. “Bloody evil butt.”

“Not just evil… A King KameHameHa Butt!” Sophie said, grinning. “Or would it be a queen, in this instance?”
In a local High School far off, a blonde girl looked out the window during class, and saw the pic of the butt on the building. She grinned.

“Whoa, nice butt pic…” Said blonde girl replied to herself, shuffling her sunglasses. “Whoever painted that deserves an A +!”

After school, Quant and Sophie were in Detention, just waiting for the teacher to arrive. Quant was currently asking various students how they got into Detention in the first place...

“So, what are you in for?” Quant asked.

“Simple, giving a cupcake to a teacher.” A student named Ramona replied. “I’ll get my hide tanned big time, but it was worth it.”

“That doesn’t seem too bad.” Quant said. “How did you get Detention using pastry products?”

“It was one loaded with laxitives.” Ramona replied, shrugging.

Sophie, however, was disgusted at who she was talking to.

“Ugh, you?” Sophie groaned at a rather chubby boy. “What did you do THIS time, Edgar?!”

“I convinced the kindergarteners that movie that shocked was a kid’s flick.” Edgar replied. “Stupid burn victim and her boyfriend…”

“That movie was rated R! In my opinion, it should be rated NC-17!” Sophie shouted back. “What got in your brain when you thought that up?!”

“Doesn’t matter, you’ll ALL be bowing down to my feet sooner or later…” Edgar replied back.

Sophie smirked. “Sure, we are…” She said, as she turned towards Quant. “So, recognize anyone?”

“Besides Ramona, who’s most likely a regular...” Quant replied. “I also see Lars, Zora, Otis, Tilly…”

Quant was interrupted as the door opened, and a girl around Quant and Sophie’s age stepped in.

Sophie instantly knew who the girl was, and was a bit confused. “When did Boone dye her hair purple?” She then eyed the girl named Boone a bit more. “And get her bellybutton pierced?”

It was true; the new girl named Boone had purple hair in pigtails, with some eyeball hair decorations on it. She was wearing a shirt that was torn, exposing her belly, which was indeed pierced. She was also wear green pants that was torn, and grey boots. She was also wearing skull earrings.

Boone sat next to Quant, who then smiled. “So… What are you in for?”

“Being an accessory to a crime. Blame Miss Artist here…” Quant replied, looking at Sophie.

“I still thought it was one of my best works…” Sophie said, pouting.

“So, YOU drew the butt on the school?” Boone asked, all while grinning. “Awesome!”

“So, how did you end up in this prison?” Quant replied.

“Simple. Singing London Underground in Spanish. Boy, Mr. Luis was so upset!” Boone replied.

“That song is completely loaded with so many swears… You’re such a rebel!” Sophie said, grinning.

“Well, I might as well introduce myself, being we’ll be stuck here a while. The name’s Boone! Or to be more specific, Boone Masae.” Boone replied.

“I’m Quant, and this here’s Sophie.” Quant said, smiling.
The three girls talked during Detention, and became fast friends. Helps that the teacher fell asleep during said time. The rest of the week went by without much of a hitch, until one Friday afternoon…

“And you guys play music for everyone as well?” Boone asked. “Awesome!”

“Yep! We labeled ourselves the Pressure Cookerz.” Quant replied. “Sophie delievers the lyrics, while I cook up some mean guitar jams!”

“Yep, never thought I would be in a rock band, OR be lead vocalist!” Sophie said, grinning and patting Quant on the back.

“Besides, I seen your singing work during Tween Tour. It’s really neat stuff!” Quant replied.

“Aww, you’re making me blush!” Sophie said, blushing in embarrassment.

“In fact, speaking of bands, I gotta meet up with someone…” Boone said. “Quant? Sophie? Catch ya later!”

The two watched Boone walk to where a couple mean-looking high-school students were waiting.

“I know those two…” Sophie said to Quant. “Remember when we went to that party that got outta control?”

“Tell me about it…” Quant replied. “Were those girls watching that movie that Edgar mentioned earlier this week at the party?”

“I dunno, but they’re Quanla and Skazz, also known as The Bludgeoned Barf.” Sophie said, taking a serious tone. Their music spreads BAD messages, like watching illegal hard core porn imported from Tiksi, Russia… Tagging police cars… Stealing the President’s cookie jar…”

“I thought his wife was into a healthy lifestyle…” Quant replied.

“Not to mention, that Quanla and Skazz are HUGE bullies. They very nearly got to Xylia one time, but I overheard them, and I helped her get home safely.” Sophie said, still being serious.

“Wow, talk about evil.” Quant replied. “Why would Boone wanna associate with them? And thanks for protecting Xylia that one time.”

“It’s what a pseudo-big sister does! But for now, let’s listen in…” Sophie said, quieting down.

“…And so, we’re thinking of adding you to our group later this afternoon.” Quanla replied. “And a BAD girl like yourself deserves to belong in the Bludgeoned Barf…”

“Well, I am rebelling against society, and my drumming skills ARE top-notch.” Boone said, smiling. “I shall be ready to audition!”

“Excellent!” Skazz replied. “Just follow us, and you’ll be there!”

The three girls took their leave, as Sophie and Quant listened in on the whole thing.

“How long have Boone knew the two?” Quant asked.

“Nevermind that, we really gotta keep Boone away from those two.” Sophie replied. “They are REALLY BAD news.”

“Yeah. Think we can tail them?” Quant asked.

“Yeah, lets.” Sophie replied, as the two started to follow the Barf.
Sophie and Quant followed the three to Quanla’s house, and saw the three go into their garage. They quickly hid behind a bush in the yard, close enough to the garage, so they could peek in.

In said garage, though…

“So, what do you guys do for fun?” Boone asked.

“Simple, we just chill…” Quanla said, grinning. “Give us time to listen to music, give each other piercings and tattoos, smoke…”

“Um… Sounds like a plan!” Boone replied, smiling and thinking. “What have I gotten myself into?”

“Now… Show us your chops!” Skazz said, giving Boone some drumsticks, and pointed to a drumset.
Quant and Sophie were peeking inside.

“Explains the bellybutton piercing…” Quant said to herself.

“Dang, they smoke, and give themselves tattoos?” Sophie asked. “They ARE more bad news than first thought!”

“Et-tu, Note Butt?” Quant replied, smirking.

“It was a gift from my parents…  In fact, once I’m older, I may get some more! Maybe a cookie to represent Xylia? But still, we gotta keep an eye out.” Sophie said, as the two kept on watching the three.
Boone was drumming her heart off, until she fouled up on the last few beats… “So, how did I do?”

“That was… abysmal.” Quanla said. “You’re not Barf material, after all!”

“Cut me a break! I’m just a kid!” Boone replied, as she was slapped by Skazz.

“Shut up!” Skazz ordered, holding Boone by the arms. “You know what we do to posers like you?”

“Let them go with a warning?” Boone asked.

“BZZT! Wrong answer!” Quanla replied, as she punched Boone hard in the gut.

“Oww…” Boone yelped out in pain, as Skazz started to move Boone to a chair.
Outside, Sophie and Quant were shocked.

“They… PUNCHED her?” Quant replied, before reaching behind her back and pulling out her guitar, and a speaker, and began to plug her guitar up. “Okay, that’s it; I’ve seen enough bullying and abuse in my lifetime… We gotta save her!”

“Yeah, same here! But you better hurry up with cranking it up to eleven; I think I see a tattoo gun…” Sophie said, inspecting the scene more closely. “Yep, defiantly a tattoo gun. They’re about to tattoo something obscene on her belly. Most likely a VERY fowl four letter word!”
Boone was now strapped to a chair, with Quanla inching close with the tattoo gun. Boone was sweating beads.

“So, anything you wanna state before you’re under the needle?” Quanla asked.


The force from Quant’s guitar twang managed to break anything that was either glass or crematic. The two mean girls were surprised, as Sophie kicked the door in.

“Who the hell are you?!” Quanla shouted out loud, as she was kicked by Sophie.

“We’re the Pressure Cookerz, and we do NOT appreciate you kidnapping our friend, and our potential bandmate!” Sophie shouted at Quanla.

“Guys…” Boone replied to herself.

“You sleezebag…”  Skazz replied as she started to run towards Quant, but the young, blue haired guitarist was ready to fend herself off against the much more meaner Skazz. Using her guitar like a sword, she inched the end of it close to her face.

“Nope! Not letting you do anything EVIL to my friends!” Quant said, looking a tad mad.

With Sophie, she and Quanla were having a stare-down.

“Hey, Quanla!” Sophie yelled out loud. “How about this!”

She then inhaled, as she took out her microphone.

“YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” She screamed into the microphone, disorienting Quanla. While she was confused, she roundhouse-kicked Quanla onto the ground.

“I’m not done yet!” Quanla replied, as she got back up, and started to punch at Sophie. Sophie in return, backflipped on their couch, and by using the springs of the couch, hopped onto Quanla’s head, sending her down for the count.

“And STAY DOWN!” Sophie shouted at the now downed for good Quanla. She then ran towards Boone.

“Sophie? What are you doing?” Boone asked, as Sophie was loosening Boone’s straps.

“We’re saving you, don’t worry!” Sophie replied.

“But, what about Quant?” Boone asked, feeling concerned.

Sophie smiled. “Don’t worry about my bestie; she’s made of some tough stuff!”

Indeed she was. Quant was currently blocking punches from Skazz.

“Shame you had to go up against me…” Skazz said, with a cruel tone. “It be a shame if I harmed your friends…”

She then took a huge breath, as Sophie, who was watching the brawl, gave Boone some earplugs.

“Put these on. Trust me on this.” Sophie replied, as Boone didn’t think twice.

“YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Skazz shouted into the microphone, in the hopes of knocking down Quant. But when Skazz was done…

“You call that a shout?” Quant replied, looking no worse for the wear.

“Okay, HOW?!” Skazz protested, as she saw that Quant was still standing. “You cheated, somehow!”

“Nope!” Quant said, giggling. “When your bestie’s a loud girl, you tend to also get used to loud noises.” She then gave a thumbs up to Sophie, who delivered one back.

“Well, then… Guess I have no choice…” Skazz replied, as she took out what appeared to be a…

“PWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Quant replied, laughing hard. “A set of bagpipes? My boyfriend’s of Scottish descent, and those aren’t that threatening!”

Skazz couldn’t believe it. She had a plan, and it would be unable to work?

“Pah, whatever! I can still take you out!” Skazz replied, running towards Quant, as Quant was on the ready, and punched Skazz down to the ground.

“Think that could work a second time?” Quant said, as she heard what appeared to be a car pulling up.

“Quant? We better scram! I think that’s their parents!” Sophie replied.

“Yeah, we better bail…” Quant said, as Quant, Sophie, and Boone walked through the house, out the back door, and over the fence.
A few minutes later, the two were catching their breath.

“Wow… Just… wow.” Sophie said out loud. “They were intense!”

“Tell me about it…” Quant replied, as they saw Boone staring at the ground. “But, first… What’s wrong, Boone?”

“..I thought they were my friends. I just wanted to be part of a group of friends… I thought if I joined the Bludgeoned Barf, I thought I would be more well-known…” Boone said. “And what did I get? Punched, nearly tattooed for it, and saved like a lousy kidnapped princess.”

“I also thought I saw some illegal drugs in their garage, too.” Sophie replied. “And by that, I mean the VERY hard stuff.”

“I guess nobody would wanna be friends with a crappy drummer like me…” Boone said, with sadness in her voice. Almost instantly, Quant put her hand onto Boone’s hand.

“Boone, you’re a great drummer! And a great friend!” Quant replied. “Plus, I could feel that you were having second thoughts about the Barf…”

“Really?” Boone asked.

“Really!” Sophie replied. “It was just a minor setback, that’s all!”

Boone smiled, as she hugged the two girls. “Thanks, guys. I now know who my real friends are!”

“Group hug!” Sophie shouted out loud, as she hugged both Quant and Boone. But then…

“Hey, did you hear about the Bludgeoned Barf?” Someone asked. “They trashed up a house, and got busted for drugs… I heard they’re being sent to the toughest juvie camp around.”

“Really? Who will play at Sky’s party, now?” Another person asked.

The three girls looked at each other, and grinned.
“Thank you, you been a great audience!” Sophie shouted out loud, on stage “Enjoy the rest of the party!”

Once backstage, the two girls were looking at Boone, with smiles on their faces.

“Shall we, Sophie?” Quant asked.

“Yeah, lets!” Sophie replied. “Now Boone? Close your eyes.”

Boone did so, as Quant slipped something onto Boone. When she woke up, she noticed she was now wearing spiked wristbands.

“Welcome to the Pressure Cookerz! A band that’s a 100% friendlier and more positive than my sister’s cooking!” Quant said, pinching Boone’s cheek’s a little.

“Thanks, guys! I shall be the bestest drummer ever!” Boone replied, as she took out three sodas. “Soda?”

“You bet! YEAH!” Sophie shouted out loud, as the three raised their soda cans to their never-ending friendship, and to their new bandmate.

It comes to show that you’ll find out who your TRUE friends are, if you look hard enough.
Nothing special, just a one-shot of how my Boone joined the Pressure Cookerz, Quant and Sophie's rock band. Also proves as a moral, huh?

UPDATED with a more improved version.

Sophie belongs to :iconcragmiteblaster:
Quant and Boone belongs to me.
© 2014 - 2024 BaconBaka
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AnOptimisticSnarker's avatar
I have to say your writing has truly come a long way. And poor Boone; I'm glad those bullies got what was coming to them in the end. So satisfying indeed.